Stay & play
With a floor to ceiling view from the bothies that looks over the stunning Newburgh-on-Ythan golf course there is no better inspiration to get out and play! In addition to Newburgh-on-Ythan golf club, the bothies have another three superb championship links courses within a fifteen minute drive, and a further 10 courses within a twenty minute drive.
So pack the clubs and join us here at Tahuna Bothies, the perfect place to unwind after enjoying the fantastic golf courses on our doorstep.

Trump International Golf Links
Trump International Golf Links was designed by Dr Martin Wawtree as a world-class 18 hole golf links course. It is set in a truly unique sand dune system which allows for panoramic views of our stunning coastline. The other facilities that the Trump Mcleod House offer is another attraction. This course is also within a ten minute drive of the bothies.